Welcome to 2006! So far this year, The Bosch have moved into a surprisingly comfortable and convenient new rehearsal space, played a rocking Sunday night show at The Merc’, received some nice reviews for Buy One, Get One, and have some other intriguing developments on the horizon.
In the immediate future, The Bosch get down to Death Disco this Wednesday (Jan. 25th) at The Delancey, on (not surprisingly) Delancey St. in the Lower East Side by the foot of the Williamsburg Bridge. Death Disco is always free, always a good time, and The Bosch are playing with some excellent bands, including The Great Shakes (who helped WOXY’s Lounge Act pioneer podcasting) and El Jezel (who recently released their shiny new album.)
See you on Wednesday! The password is “death metal.”
-Josiah A. Pseudonym