
SidVision, The Bosch – Sportin’ 24 Inch Pythons

The Bosch is a quartet out of NYC. I ran across some blogs on these guys last year and made sure to add a mental bookmark for them. They have a raw energy that drives their music (Yes that’s why they are sportin’ the 24 inch pythons). They released their last album ‘Hurry Up’ mid 2007 and it is being accepted pretty well online.

On Tap Magazine

Therese Karlsson Buxfäldt, On Tap Magazine CD Review: The Bosch Hurry Up

This NYC-based rock band has enjoyed strong national airplay on college radio, which you can tell from their music. The Bosch sounds like a mix between early Killers and The Clash with its “1776” and “Paperback.” This is a band that has the potential for success, but isn’t really at the stage where you can hear their uniqueness, even if it’s bubbling underneath the high-tempo songs. “Hurry Up” is an uplifting album, especially something to play at a wild college party or when you want to wake up your body and mind.

The Bosch  

Artist: The BoschTitle: Hurry UpLabel: Self-Released

The Bosch

Hurry Up is the debut EP from The Bosch, a New York City quartet (guitar, bass, sax/keys, and drums) that has been compared variously to Lou Reed, Joey Ramone, Brian Wilson, and Dick Dale. I’m not quite hearing that, though I can get where it comes from. Hurry Up seems to be informed by doses of east and west coast 1960s rock, taking unequal parts of Ramone’s energy, Reed’s decadence, and Dick Dale’s raucousness. Andrew Raff’s sax riffs tend to boldly shoulder themselves to the front of one’s attention; it’s inaccurate to compare The Bosch to Rockets From The Crypt, but that much under-appreciated aggregation would be a proper reference point as well.

The seven tracks on Hurry Up are of varying quality, though there is nothing really awful on here. If there is a problem on Hurry Up it’s that a couple of tracks stand head and shoulders above the rest. Counting, an instrumental, permits The Bosch to show off their stuff, and even if you’re not wild about instrumentals you should hear this one loud and repeatedly. Brooklyn Cars is another standout that for some reason puts me in the mind of ? & the Mysterians; it’s probably the organ and the sing-along nature of the tune, not to mention the energy which ? & The Mysterians exhibited in concert which was never quite captured on their studio recordings. Back To Reality however, is the treasure here, a track that threatens to shake loose of the player and take off into the stratosphere. I say without exaggeration that it would be worth whatever travel time it would take to attend a Bosch performance just to hear this song live. It has simply got to be a showstopper, a song that jumps out of the gate at the very beginning and never stops building. Back To Reality is simultaneously very “now” and very retro; if it had presented as a track that was played live in roadhouses during the 1950s, I wouldn’t have been surprised.

Back To Reality is worth the price of Hurry Up’s admission all by itself, but don’t miss the rest of the disc particularly the least three sides. The Bosch manages to evoke familiarity even as they sound like no one but themselves. Jump on now.


Adam Coozer,  

Bosch, The “Hurry Up EP”

Record Label: S/R Genre: Garage Band Link:
Ever notice that garage bands rarely ever ROCK? Weird, right?Well, The Bosch ROCK. They hit all the right notes – their garagey swagger isn’t hipsterish – it’s a genuinely cool Lou Reed thing with even a little Joey Ramone in there. The music is great – an immensely likable mix of 60s garage, 50s r&b, and Strokesy rock. They’re also one of the only garage bands that incorporate keys and horns and have it sound awesome. But most of all, these are good songs. Too much of my time is spent reviewing stuff that may sound good, may sound bad, but preciously little of it would I listen to again, let alone put on my iPod. Many bands can sound good, but so few can write good, memorable songs. The Bosch are right there. They are in full control and they confidently rock out tunes you want to go back and hear again. Recommended for Strokes fans who don’t want a Strokes clone.
Bottom Line: Upbeat, fun, rockin’, catchy… rarities in the garage world but The Bosch have em covered. Notable Tracks: This Town, Paperback, the ska-ish Counting and Back to Reality (they even do ska well?!)Overall Rating:  (4.5/5)


Villains Always Blink

Villains Always Blink: Interview with the Bosch: “I’ve been taken with this indie punk pop band from New York since back in the fall of 2005 when I stumbled upon them in WOXY’s unsigned bands feature. Two years later, they’ve made a slight change in their line-up (added a Canadian!), released a new EP (titled Hurry Up), and still have a killer saxophone sound. Guitarist and vocalist Matt Harrison of the Bosch kindly answered some questions for Villains Always Blink.”

Waved Rumor

Waved Rumor: The Bosch – Mercury Lounge gig, MP3s

“The Bosch are a NYC combo that rocks out in all the right ways. They describe their music as…”a New York City quartet who sounds something like what might happen “if Brian Wilson, Dick Dale, and Joey Ramone stayed up all night taking speed pills and Ritalin.” Heck, that works for me. Although Dick Dale would kick both skinny Joey’s and pansy Brian’s asses.”


3Hive: The Bosch

I usually don’t read e-mails from publicists — sorry… I know it must take so long to cut and paste our names (usually incompletely or incorrectly) into the form messages you send out that often do not reflect any real understanding of what this blog does — but Tony’s pitch for The Bosch caught my eye. Now, I’m not usually one for crazy, mixed-up comparisons, and I almost got lost in the ones provided for The Bosch: Joey Ramone, Dick Dale and Brian Wilson, or maybe The White Stripes, The Violent Femmes and Phil Spector, or even The Clash, the Femmes, Spector, Bruce Springsteen and Man… Or Astroman. However, I like enough of these performers to download a few tracks, and I liked them enough to share them with you. This NYC quartet offers short, rich, intense songs that are better enjoyed on their own, without comparison. These are from their newest album, Hurry Up, while four more off Buy One, Get One, from 2005, are available on the band’s website.